Social Media Repost Policy

My art is not in the public domain, but it may be shared on social media provided that you observe the guidelines in this policy:

Requirements for Sharing my Art on Social Media Outlets:

The psychoeducational art I share to my social media accounts may be shared on social media* as long as the following is observed:

  1. @lindsaybraman must be credited in the first 140 characters of the caption.
  2. The art may not be edited in any way (this includes cropping, filters, text overlay, etc).
  3. You may share only images currently on @lindsaybraman social media. Assets from and Patreon may not be shared on any platform.
  4. With exceptions** my art may not be used to promote a business or commercial account.

* = Except by permission, sharing my art on Facebook is limited to shares of existing posts from my facebook page. Downloading and republishing my art to a personal or commercial Facebook page constitutes copyright infringement (Click here to review Facebook’s policy on this issue).

** = Republishing to commercial social media accounts is allowed for individuals and businesses that are current Patrons of my work, have purchased a professional use license for the art, or who have been granted permission.

IMPORTANT: I retain all copyrights to my art. Each piece is registered through the US Copyright Office. This means you must have permission in order to share it on any platform. If my art is published without permission, you may be subject to DMCA takedowns and post-licensing fees.

Publishing Beyond Social Media

Permission to republish my art is granted on a case by case basis. Usually, a reasonable licensing fee is required. These fees help keep my work sustainable and allow me to extend a limited number of free licenses for certain non-profit uses.  

Contact me through the licensing inquiry form to inquire about a license for use in your website, ebook, newsletter, mailing list, course, or other publishing outlet.

My art may NOT be published to any media platform (including your own website, a newsletter, etc) without written permission and/or the purchase of a license to republish.  Publishing my art, in credited or uncredited form,  or otherwise using my creative property in a way that violates copyright may result in a copyright claim, DMCA Takedown Notice, post-licensing fee assessments, and penalties imposed by your publishing platform. Unauthorized use is monitored by the legal team at Pixsy Inc