Anxiety Journal Template

Journaling can be an effective way to cope with overwhelming emotions. They can also assist in tracking our mental health symptoms in a way that helps us self-advocate for the care we need from our therapist, psychiatrist, or other mental health professionals. Keeping a mental health journal can be a particularly helpful way to boost the effectiveness of our journaling.

We can grow awareness and insight into our coping styles and relational patterns, even if we don’t suffer from a mental health diagnosis through:

  • Journaling with prompts about our emotional well-being, and
  • Using printable journaling worksheets about mindfulness and healthy coping.

Over time, the insight gained through journaling about anxiety, other mental health symptoms, and our general mental health and well-being can develop an understanding that will help contribute to more satisfying relationships and an increased capacity for resilience in difficult circumstances.

The collection of resources below is an assortment of journal templates, anxiety worksheets, stress management tools, and other interactive visual resources. Some of these resources are free printables, while other printable PDFs require a small fee. This fee helps keep my art sustainable by supporting my ability to continue to create. Fees for downloads also make it possible for me to offer many of my printable resources for free – especially resources serving historically marginalized populations. (All anti-racism, Spanish language, and ESL printable PDF resources are provided free of charge).

Note that while some users experiencing the symptoms of anxiety or depression may find that general journaling – or journaling using my worksheets and journal prompts – may be helpful, my site and available resources are not intended to diagnose or treat any mental illness and are available for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Anxiety Illustration: Spectrum of Anxiety Coping

Title reads, “Spectrum of anxiety coping Underneath, a spectrum is drawn. There is red on the extreme ends of the spectrum with labels. The red spectrum end on the left has text underneath that says, “Shaping life to avoid triggers.” The other red spectrum, on the right, has text underneath that says, “Self-harm via over-exposure.” Next to the red ends of the spectrum are orange and yellow blocks, with a green block in the middle labeled, “Growth Zone,” where the dial is.

Everyone has a different “default” way of coping with anxiety – and many of us will experience a shift from one extreme of the spectrum to the other at least once during our lifetime. While our culture praises the “brave” approach and shames the avoidant, the extremes of both approaches are equally harmful ways of avoiding the discomfort of being present to the tension of the middle ground. In this middle space – where we feel our fear but choose to tolerate some discomfort in order to grow – we inhabit our bodies, we have self-compassion for ourselves, and let ourselves experience the emotions inherent in doing things that are really, really hard.

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