If You Sprinkle: Stewardship of Public Spaces + Social Justice
Public restrooms aren’t a hot topic to blog about, but all of us have had the experience of “noping out” of a public bathroom because it was just too gross to use. Of, if we were desperate, perhaps we took some effort to clean things up, piled a layer of protective toilet paper on vulnerable surfaces, or maybe just hovered.
But what if we didn’t have the physical ability to do either? Should only bodies that are able to clean, cover surfaces, and/or squat get access to shared facilities?
[Click here to jump to a detailed image description.]
Image Description for Screen Readers:
Image of a hand drawn white toilet seat on a blue background, from the perspective of looking down at the toilet. The toilet seat has yellow urine splashed on it. Over the image is text written in red that reads, “If you sprinkle when you tinkle.” Underneath, in black text, is written, “Please don’t assume that other bodies have the privilege of squatting or the physical ability to clean up your urine.”